
The imbalance of minds is not so infrequent as to be easily ignored. It can add an interesting dimension to fantasy role playing games. Characters can be a bit mad by nature or become mad by influence. This system will present a method of describing and playing the deranged. A brief introduction will describe the causes, effects, durations and cures to insanities, followed by a random list for generating them.

The description of insanity here pertains to that which is brought on by circumstance. Characters which suffer from mental illness by nature will not be subject to these rules necessarily. They have more a medical problem than one acquired by their experiences.

The descriptions below are not meant to make light of mental illness nor to ridicule those who suffer with them. By bringing these problems into a fantasy gaming context, players can work through these difficult issues and bring them into the drama of the game.


There are several causes which are "normal"; exposure to vast trauma, conditioning from an unbalancing environment (sensory depravation, the presense of others who are mad over the long term, etc.) Secondary effects of powerful psychoactive drugs, prolonged stress or extreme condtions of any kind.

Hereditary madness is different: It will resemble the instability inherited from their parents, and possibly remain latent and undiscovered for years, or forever.

This is not meant to be an exhaustive list, merely an indicative one. The more serious sources of derangement are not natural at all. They are from mystical or religious contact which the mind cannot cope with. Most notably "cause insanity" spell have the general and obvious effect of caus- ing RANDOM insanity.

Throughout this description of insanity I will use a "level" definition. This corresponds to the seriousness of the affliction as well as the profi- ciency of the caster of the "cause insanity" spell (if the insanity comes from that source.) Hereditary insanity may be of any level, drugs are also unpre- dictable (red lotus dust causes d4 levels of insanity per pinch, cumulative, for example.)

To give an idea of the sources and their relative potency I will list them. Remember, insanity is not common, unless the extraordinary is encount- ered. Adding madness to the risk of toying with the unknown benefits the game: Characters will develop while being twisted on the one hand, on the other an entirely different sort of risk is felt by the players.

Level     Reasonable Causes

 1 - 3    Terrible failure, extreme loss of status, 
          handicapped suddenly, constant pressure (over days
          or weeks,) prolonged exposure to a hostile envi-
          ronment (over days or weeks,) constant antagonsism
          by those around the subject.

 4 - 6    Torture, major loss, childhood traumas, extended 
          exposure to a maddening environment, (ie. solitary 
          confinement, psychadelic booths, interdimensional 
          travel,) constant conditioning by experts (or mad-
          men) over the process of weeks.

 7 - 9    Complete loss of all that had meaning for the subject,
          exposure to a major trauma (such as a massacre, plague
          or torturers prison,) conditioning by experts or mad-
          men over the course of months or years.

 10 - 12  A combination of the above - say:  losing everything
          amidst the pillaging of your city then surviving the
          a mass murder of the inhabitants, finding out that
          while performing your most sacred duty you've been
          doing what you most despise, etc.

 13 - 15  This is attainable only by exceeding the limits of
          what a mind can bear.  When destruction pain and
          pressure are too great, the mind simply shuts down.

To determine if an individual exposed to the above will go insane, roll the following: 1/2 * ( 20 - ego) + 1 per intelligence over 12. Thus with an ego of 11 and intelligence of 17, the chance is 1/2 * (20 - 11) + (17-12) = 4.5 + 5 = 9.5 (round down to) 9% chance. The weaker the will and the more intelligent the person, the greater the chance that circumstance will overpower them.


The specific problems accrued to an individual insanity will be described in the list of insanities to follow. This is only a description of severity and degree to which the aberration will effect the individual's behavior and persona.

Level     Extent of Madness                                "Feeling"

 1 - 3    "Personality Quirk", +/- 2 reaction rolls in     Irritation 
          related situations and -2 atack and defense
          in the face of "it" or -10% ability.
 4 - 6    "Tragic Flaw", +/- 4 reaction rolls in applic-   Great Discomfort
          able situations, -4 or -20% when in conflict     or drive...
          with the madness.  This is a pervasive 'trait'
          but not integral to the individual's persona.
          Roll Ego on 2d8 or do as the insanity would 
          suggest in applicable circumstances.

 7 - 9    "Deeply Disturbed", +/- 5 reaction rolls,        Sweeping Effect
          -6 or -30% in all respects relating to the       Implacable
          mental illness.  This forms a core element 
          in the individual's personality and world
          view; as important as any other element in
          their character.

          Roll Ego on 3d6 or do as the insanity would
          have you do.

 10 - 12  "Bonkers, Raving Mad" +/- 7 reaction rolls,      The focus of all
          -8 or -40% in all respects unless directly       existence
          "adhering to" the madness.  The affliction 
          is at the core of the persona although the
          original personality remains as "quirks."

          Roll Ego on 4d6  or do as the insanity implies.

 13 +     "Completely Gone"  The insanity is the ONLY      The whole world
          personality.  ALL reactions are based on it.
          There is no minus, etc. as the original Ego
          has been destroyed or displaced by this.  
          There is thus no conflict with the psyche.

Reaction Rolls

This system is used to introduce a random responsiveness to characters. It is typically used for nonplayer characters or new characters that the player wishes to allow chance to flesh out. A 12 sided die is rolled to indicate the character's disposition:

   1:  extremely poor reaction - the worst possible, depending on the person
   2:  absolutely negative reaction
   3:  negative reaction
   4:  poor reaction, but not entirely committed
   5:  'on the bad side', but not completely against...
   6:  ambivolent
   7:  so-so
   8:  'on the good side', but not really for it...
   9:  good reaction, but not completely won over
  10:  positive reaction
  11:  absolutely positive, no reservations
  12:  the best possible reaction, given the character. 

Both 1 and 12 should be taken as an indication that the character will act on the basis of the response, even if it means moving beyond the normal range of their response.

The modifications to these reaction rolls can be taken literally, rolling the reaction die and taking the result as is. Note that even with a modification 1 is the minimum and 12 the maximum. The other possibility is merely to take the modifier into account. A character with a "Tragic Flaw" which was a fixation with silence, say, would be -4 in the presense of loud noise. This means that they would NEVER be more than reaction 8 in such a setting; that is not uncomfortable, and even perhaps able to relax and be content if not happy. Normally the character would be in the 1-4 range.

It is better in a way to use reaction rolls for insane characters, to stress the unpredictability of their condition, rather than trying to simply 'play it consistently.' The insanity is an indication of inconsistency. The creative challenge is really how to adapt this reaction to a believable and interesting part of the story.


Some insanity is temporary, others permanent. If the insanity is from natural means or "random," use the following to determine its duration:

Level     d20 mins  d20 hrs  d20 days  d20 weeks  d20 months  permanent
of cause  --------  -------  --------  ---------  ----------  ---------

 1 - 3     01 - 15  16 - 30   31 - 45   46 - 70     71 - 90    91 - 00
 4 - 6     01 - 05  06 - 20   21 - 35   36 - 60     61 - 80    81 - 00
 7 - 9       ---    01 - 05   06 - 20   21 - 40     41 - 60    61 - 00
10 - 12      ---      ---     01 - 05   06 - 25     26 - 45    46 - 00
13 - 15      ---      ---       ---     01 - 10     11 - 25    26 - 00
16 - 18      ---      ---       ---       ---       01 - 10    11 - 00
19 - up      ---      ---       ---       ---          01      02 - 00

      Modifiers to the roll:  -1 per 2 Ego, + 1 per Intelligence over 12.


Unfortunately cures are very difficult. There are three routes I will describe: Self-cure, spiritual cure and expert help. Self cure is basically done through waiting it out. Alternatively, every year (for a permanent illness,) or every 25% duration of a temporary condition, spent doing nothing but searching for a cure, there is an ego = % chance of a cure, -1% per level of the insanity. A bonus may be added with "ideal surroundings" and appropriate "sanitorial" care. In this case if the roll is not successful, but under three times the required roll is made, the severity of the madness lowers d6 levels in severity. So, for example, with a madness of level 12, and an ego of 15, a person has a 3% chance of recovering each time. This person is convelescing in the ideal setting of a Sanitorium. Rolling an 08, the person does not recover completely, but does lower the level 12 insanity to (roll a d6, get a 5,) to a level 7 insanity, ie. will be "much improved."

Psychic or priestly "cure insanity" can completely remove the condition, as per the abilities of psychics and priests. This is described elsewhere.

Expert assistance works as the "self cure" but life may "go on" in the interim. If drugs are used, etc. or extremely effective psychiactric techniques are applied, the time may be halved and roll bonuses of up to 25% may be awarded. Note: Psychology is rare in settings without very specific types of philosophical traditions.

Random Level Chart

Roll  Level     Roll  Level     Roll  Level
----- -----     ----- -----     ----- -----
01-13   1       56-65   6       89-91  11
14-25   2       66-72   7       92-95  12
26-35   3       73-78   8       96-97  13
36-45   4       79-84   9       98-99  14
46-55   5       85-88   10       100   15

The Insanities

Level   Roll   Name            Description
-----   -----  ------------    ----------------------------------------------
Varies  01-04  Phobia          See random phobia chart and random level chart

Varies  05-07  Addiction       See random addiction chart and random level

Varies  08-10  Fascination     See random activity chart and random level 

1 - 3   11-13  Self Doubt      Unable to see that your decision is better 
                               than others'.

1 - 3   14-16  Impetuousness   Impulse to proceed without thinking things 

1 - 3   17-19  Indecisiveness  Unable to make up one's mind when faced with

1 - 3   20-22  Over Emotional  All emotions are too intense for normal social

1 - 3   23-25  Lethargic       Unable to become motivated out of normal (lazy)

1 - 3   26-28  Insomnia        Inability to sleep regularly or to relax.

1 - 3   29-31  Curiosity       Unable to resist investigating accessible 

4 - 6   32-34  Outrageousness  Strong desire to shock others by doing the most
                               morally unacceptable things.

4 - 6   35-37  Twisted Nature  Aspect (1=Sex, 2=Humor, 3=Health, 4=Finance,
                               5=Eating, 6=Violence) enjoyed for the opposite

4 - 6   38-40  Cleptomania     Strong desire or need to steal whenever given
                               the chance.

4 - 6   41-43  Compulsion      A driving need to pursue one's goals without
                               considering secondary effects.

4 - 6   44-46  Mindlock        Only logical (or only intuitive) thinking comes

4 - 6   47-49  Mental Wound    Paralysis and pain in an "injured" part of the
                               body.  (A 'light wound', 1-20% of hit points.)

4 - 6   50-52  Fixation        Roll randomly on phobia/activity/addiction
                               charts to see what is "of interest."  This is a
                               form of mania which focuses entirely on this 
                               thing, though not necessarily partaking of it.

4 - 6   53-55  Self            Need to place oneself in positions of high risk.

4 - 6   56-58  Rapid Changes   An aspect (1=emotions, 2=intentions, 3=ideals,
                               4=assertiveness) changes within minutes.

4 - 6   59-61  Wishy-Washiness Moral chameleon - others shape ideas and 

7 - 9   62-63  Lifestyle       Need to abandon "trade," acquaintances, loyal-
               Change          ties, and/or destiny and take up another.

7 - 9   64-65  Aimlessness     Unable to maintain goals, standards or effort.

7 - 9   66-67  Extremism       Excited and zealous, or completely contrary and

7 - 9   68-69  Compulsive Liar Need to mislead others and keep oneself unknown.

7 - 9   70-71  Amnesia         Loss of memories of people, places, names, past
                               and so on.  Some traces may remain in less bad
                               cases (swiss cheesed recollections, though.)

7 - 9   72-73  Suggestable     Very weak "will," others may define ideas and

7 - 9   74-75  Chaotic         Unstable whims that will be done regardless of
               Personality     secondary effects.  Not necessarily cruel or
                               destructive, but these people often are.

7 - 9   76-77  Destructiveness Obsessed with largescale destruction, pyromania
                               and so on.  Will "do it" regardless of personal

7 - 9   78-79  Despair         Lack of belief in anything, dissolute!

7 - 9   80-81  Asocialness     Lack of social awareness in speech, behavior and
                               relationships.  The effect can be irreverence,
                               slovenliness, unruliness, boorishness, irrelev
                               ence, and many other possibilities.

10-12    82    Homicidal       The need to kill innocents (or commit other 
                               terrible dehumanizing crimes: rape, slavery, 

10-12    83    Self Hate       The desire to destroy oneslef and all you care
                               for and have achieved in the worst way possible.

10-12    84    Dual            A second (self hidden) person irregularly 
               Personality     emerges.  Both will have vastly different aims.

10-12    85    Monomaniacal    A single moral, etc. direction pursued without
                               thought or qualms.  Entirely undivertable.

10-12    86    Solipsistic     All that exists is the self, utter loneliness 
                               and detachment, self centeredness.  Others are
                               merely forces like weather or gravity.

10-12    87    Commandable     "Selflessness" leads to the need for others to
                               create a purpose for the individual.  Once a
                               command is given, it will be adhered to unless
                               something in it weakens.  There is no loyalty
                               in the obedience, in fact there is great resent-

10-12    88    Language Loss   Loss of linguistic comprehension.  Instinctive
                               and emotional responses only.  Some skills will
                               remain, others will not be possible.

10-12    89    Blind to (X)    Roll on the phobia chart to determine a mental
                               block.  Cannot see it, think of it, etc.

10-12    90    Unadapable      Has one mode (a phrase? a dogma?) and beyond 
                               that is utterly unable to cope.

13-15    91    Idiocy          Vegetable mentality, completely inert.

13-15    92    Automaton       Can function "as a golem."  Very simple actions
                               may be undertaken, unless masterfully manip-
                               ulated:  The subject retains all skills, etc!

13-15    93    Feral           All "higher functions" gone, pure animal 
                               ferocity.  Physical combat skills are not lost.

13-15    94    Ravaging        Destruction is the only thing comprehensible.
                               The subject will not rest until it is done, 
                               if possible consistent with his goals, if not
                               just for its own sake.

13-15    95    Supreme Mania   A mad scheme of global proportion pursued with-
                               out regard to cost or feasibility in ALL ways.
                               It could be something like world domination.

13-15    96    Self Mutilation Completely self destructive.  Would slow-
                               suicide if allowed.

13-15    97    Innocence       Tabula Rosa, completely imprintable, but slowly
                               and what is learnt is quickly forgotten.

13-15    98    Babbling        A shadow of a person, internal monologues, no
                               sense.  For brief moments they will appear lucid
                               but this will never be the case.

13-15    99    Hidden Case     A level 10-12 insanity completely, obsessively
                               hidden and pursued.  Very hard to detect.

13-15    00    Multiple        Roll again 3 times, apply all results.

Note: There are no insanities past 15'th level because there are no natural causes which could result in such serious madness. Only demonic, divine or psychic mental destruction can account for higher level abberation. The consequences are aweful, but less random in nature. The insanity will be very specific in effect depending on the cause.

Random 'Addictions'

01  Drinking Liquor     18  Bettering People    34  Proving oneself to others
02  Stimulants          19  Gambling            35  One environ (ie. desert)
03  Overeating          20  Political Climbing  36  Nostalgia
04  Smoking             21  Gems and Jewelry    37  New/dangerous drugs/alchemy
05  Hallucinagens       22  Beauty              38  One place, city, etc.
06  Solitude            23  Ugliness            39  One thing, object, prize
07  One's own culture   24  Decay (Disease)     40  Pain (one's own)
08  Music               25  Death (Killing)     41  Vengence
09  Talking             26  Magical Artifacts   42  Fear in others
10  Spending Money      27  High Speeds         43  Crimes (committing them)
11  Being "fashionable" 28  Valuable Art Goods  44  Own as little as possible
12  Danger              29  Social Climbing     45  Copying others, (totally?)
13  Getting Rich        30  Having no ties      46  Decandent pleasuress
14  The Unknown         31  Fooling People      47  Owning slaves
15  The Forbidden       32  New, dangerous drug 48  Ruining others' lives
16  The Forgotten       33  One person          49  Maintaining a reputation
17  Surpassing Onesel                           50  Revolution and mass change

Random 'Activities'

01  Travelling          18  Practicing          34  Political organizing
02  Fighting            19  Leading others      35  Producing entertainment
03  Sleeping            20  Serving others      36  Lavishly spending
04  Building            21  Rituals/a small set 37  Sponging off others
05  Copulating          22  Infiltrating        38  Going to social events
06  Correcting others   23  Discovering secrets 39  Complaining
07  Scheming            24  Betraying others    40  Subverting Authority
08  Warfare             25  Creative art        41  Manipulating others
09  Religious rites     26  Farming             42  Seducing others
10  Crime               27  Mining              43  Repulsing others
11  Lazing about        28  Writing             44  Impulsive actions
12  Hunting             29  Exercising/Training 45  Logical consistency
13  Trading             30  Tormenting          46  Passionate acts/aims
14  Socializing         31  Collecting          47  Ascetic life/selflessness
15  Exploring           32  Cleaning/Grooming   48  Over-Meticulousness 
16  Demolishing         33  Extending Family    49  Joining new religions
17  Bureaucracy                                 50  Constant change

Random Phobias (roll 1-1000 then divide by 5 rounding down)

01 Random color  51 Acid          101 Silence       151 Short People
02 " Smell       52 Cats          102 Guards/troops 152 Animals that speak
03 " Taste       53 Avians        103 Nobility      153 Maps and diagrams
04 " Feeling     54 Humanoids     104 Giants        154 Sleeping indoors
05 Bells Chiming 55 Throon Types  105 Golems        155 Artificial light
06 Whistling     56 Stingers      106 Rope & String 156 Thing coming out of
                                                        the ground suddenly
07 Grunts        57 Flying mons.  107 Armor         157 Things that jump
08 Moans         58 Heights       108 Guilds/Unions 158 Western Weapons
09 Groans *      59 Clausterphob. 109 Looking Badly 159 Eating things raw
10 Squeaks       60 Bright Lights 110 Inns          160 Things faster than you
11 Drips         61 Beggars       111 Deer, elk, &c 161 Walking >1/2 max dist.
12 Gurgling      62 Scary Words   112 Dancing       162 Very religious people
13 Clicking      63 Clocks        113 Magic Gates   163 Being ripped off
14 Demonic Power 64 Spiders       114 Mirrors       164 Clanging Weapons
15 Scraping      65 Snakes        115 Rescues       165 Being spied on 
16 Hissing       66 All reptiles  116 Random spell  166 Dropping ones weapon
17 Snarling      67 Windows       117 Psychics      167 Random Precious Metal
18 Kissing       68 Bathing       118 Written words 168 Large business stores
19 Random word   69 Guns          119 Floor Traps   169 Being Ambushed
20 Desert Sands  70 Crossroads    120 Portents      170 Flapping wings
21 Trees in wind 71 Snow          121 Statues       171 Multilimbed Adversary
22 Boat Creaking 72 Tropic-jungle 122 Fountains     172 Stoning monsters
23 Crowds        73 Swamps        123 Gloomy talk   173 Walking on the ground
24 Water         74 Insects       124 Open Sky      174 Secondary Roads
25 Wine          75 Falling Down  125 Sudden Acts   175 Not being under the
                                                        open Sky
26 LOUD noises   76 Death         126 Being Alone   176 Buildings >1 Story
27 Opposite sex  77 Tech. weapons 127 Cards         177 Being out of sight of
28 Same Race     78 Pointed objs. 128 Announcements 178 Moving at max speed
29 Slavers       79 Locks         129 Singing       179 Living things >3x ht.
30 Random 'class'80 Being Dirty   130 No Friends    170 Waking up to fight
31 Hinges        81 Elementals    131 Darkness      181 Being on watch
32 Disease       82 Being pt man  132 Paint & Ink   182 People thinking you
                                                        are insane
33 Priestly heal 83 " rear guard  133 Claws         183 Exposed Skeletons
34 Venom         84 Obesity       134 owning >100GP 184 Not impressing all
35 Lycanthropes  85 Your Family   135 Centipedes    185 Riding Animals
36 Wind          86 Confusion     136 Other planes  186 Being Hit from behind
37 Killing       87 Rust          137 Mitosis       187 Mold, rot and fungus
38 Edged weapons 88 Invisibility  138 Aging         188 Technological Transit
39 Missile weaps 89 Teleportation 139 Compliments   189 People Telling Secrets
40 Spoken Spells 90 Taunts        140 Being Carried 180 Rats and Mice
41 Undead        91 Prismatic f/x 141 Stains        191 Wearing anything on 
                                                        one's feet
42 Blood         92 Shields       142 Being chased  192 Being terribly cold
43 Illusions     93 Webs          143 Fangs         193 Being terribly hot
44 Poison        94 Rings         144 Tentacles     194 Wearing anything on
                                                        one's head
45 Fire          95 Being seen    145 Shadows       195 Gas other than air
46 Lightning     96 Impotence     146 Mists         196 Eggs
47 Scrolls       97 Precipitation 147 Radiation     197 Berserkers
48 History       98 Gems          148 Levitation    198 Languages you don't 
49 Dragons       99  Being first  149 Climbing      199 Being looked right
                                                        in the eyes
50 Slimes        100 Enemies      150 Treasure      200 All forms of magic 

© Erik Guttman, 1996